Saturday, August 13, 2011

The best laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry..........

Well, I HAD a plan to do this blog every day. I have been a little ill, sprained my ankle, I am dealing with a soon to be ex and just general blahs. Well, I started reading a book and it has started changing me! "The Secret". I haven't finished it. I need to. Probably do that this week. But, man, I am only less than halfway through the book and it has made a huge impact on me!! I cannot thank my "twin", Dainette, for recommending this to me! So, I have been laying some plans for my future. I have a list which I won't post here because some of it is extremely personal. But, let's just say I am really moving forward in my life.
On that note, let me say, I am putting it on my schedule to blog here every day! Starting Monday because I need Sunday to get organized, I am going to have a daily schedule and make a daily goal for myself. I am going to have a master list that will also be what I call a lesser list. The master/lesser list is not only what I will use to put in my one goal for the day but also, if I am feeling truly inspired and motivated, I will do more than one in  a day. Hence the lesser meaning it is the lesser goal of the day, with the scheduled one being the greater one.  I know this will work out!! It has to! I won't allow it to fail!
So, anyway, today I am going to pimp out my friend's blog. I LOVE this girl!!! I have known her for decades! Her brother and I graduated together (between us, I used to have a secret crush on him in high school hehehehehe). Beth, even though we only knew each other in school, has turned out to be a very good friend!! So, here goes with the pimping of her space:
She has a portfolio on her page that you MUST check out!!! She also makes these leather journals with handmade paper. She made one for me with my first name initial on it. I didn't see it right away. Sadly, my 5 year old who was 4 at the time pointed it out. But, in  my defense, I was so excited about getting this that I literally had tears in my eyes in awe and humbleness that she would do this for me! And all I did was crochet some baby booties for her to give to someone else. 

If you can see it, the "K" is in the lower left corner of the book. It is all leather!!! I am so in love with it! And no, I haven't written a thing in it!! I'm too scared to! I don't want to mess it up. But, I love her for doing this for me. So go to her page and see all that is Beth and her design!
P.S. PLEASE excuse the crappy picture of the beautiful book Beth made for me! All I had at the time was my camera phone at the time. This picture doesn't do this journal justice! I promise if I get another good one, I will post it!