Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear Monday, I hate you. That is all

Generally, I don't really hate Mondays. I don't necessarily like them, I have just accepted that they will be. Today, I hate Monday. I didn't want to get up to work out. At 4:30 am. I got a late start which threw me off. I didn't shave off any time, however, for having not worked out since Wednesday, I didn't gain any time either. The ab challenge is going to have to be done tonight or tomorrow. I am not ashamed to say I just didn't have it in me!!! I didn't get to sleep until after 1 am. So, I am about to take a little nap before I have to get CJ up and ready for school. I really just wanted to make sure I got at least this in my blog today. It is going to be a crazy two days at work. I have to complete a job that takes 20 minutes per item. NOT looking forward to that at all. I do have some other things I will be doing while the job is in the laser engraver. But I should have all that done before the day is through. OK, off for a nap and then to update tonight on the crafty part of this. :-)

Here is a photo of what the 2 Week Ab Challenge entails. I think what I am going to do is time myself and just try to shave off some time. Then the next challenge do an arm and upper body one. THEN do the Ab Challenge again only this time try adding some more reps instead of shaving time. Eh, we will see.

The girl's tumblr site, as you can see, is on the bottom of the picture. I highly recommend you check out her page!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Back to the Grind tomorrow evening

So, this is our last full day at Jennifer and Robert's. I love them and their girls like they were my own family. Our story another time. So, I'm wasting time being very productive going through Pinterest. Finding lots of cool crafts, recipes. I even started a Wedding board. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm muy loco!!! But, there are so many things on there and I do have a daughter who is 18 and will get married someday. I may start doing a binder. OK, anyway, I saw this one pin come up and thought, hey, I could do this! You see, I am trying to add some interesting things to my workouts. So, I came up on this and thought, hey, a 14-Day Ab Challenge? Why, yes, Challenge accepted! Here is the link to the pin on Pinterest: 14-Day Ab Challenge. Here is the link to the original web page this came from: PiecesInProgress. I do plan on going through her whole Tumblr page (I haven't done tumblr YET!!!) just to see what I can see and if I can get even more great challenges! With doing just walking, I haven't really used my exercise notebook lately. BUT I really do need to amp it up a bit. So, I thought, why not use this ab challenge as a way to do just that!!!! I will definitely do it AFTER the power walking. I may do some before bedtime as well.
I really do  love exercising...............after a while. When I am first getting back to it, however, it isn't that I loathe it. I just have a hard time finding the motivation to do it! So, I am now searching for something (don't ask me what, I will know it when I see it), something to help get me motivated. I want to reach a "resolution" BEFORE New Year's. I call it my End of the Year Resolution. That way, I don't have to make any at New Year's. I never really do anyway. Very few people I know, myself included, actually keep theirs. But this year, it may be different. My Plan For The New Year. I can write out the things I want to accomplish and list them by priority. Not only that, but HOW I plan on accomplishing them! My first one, I can tell you, will be to  GET A CAR!!!!!!!!! Once I get my tax money, that is the first thing I am doing with it! Next on the list, SIGN UP FOR SCHOOL. And, while I am doing that, FIND ANOTHER JOB!!!! Wow, I guess I have a list even before.
OK, anyway, I keep running of the topic as my mind does it's usual randomness, flitting from here to there. hahahahaaha so, I just checked out her tumblr page and it is definitely worth a look for exercise and nutrition!!! So go on, you know you want to!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011


CJ and I had a good time yesterday with Jennifer and Robert and their brood. We went to their neighbors for Thanksgiving. No cooking, helping with the cleaning...........CJ was glued to their XBox. I have many things to be thankful for this year. I have my CJ, I have a job, I have a roof over my head (thanks dad!!), I have my health, CJ has his, I have the best friends a girl could ever ask for, I don't have a vehicle BUT I am thankful that I will have the opportunity to get one when I get my taxes. My life could definitely better, but I know it could be worse. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I did make some things yesterday. I will post some pics later today. I did the project a little differently. I made some little pleated ribbon and fabric accessories for a head band. I made two of each (well, one of them. The other one ended up being too thick and I broke a needle on the sewing machine). One to stay plain. The other, I put some velcro on the top of it and you can change out different fabric or ribbon flowers. Instead of using the elastic headband, I used a plastic one and glued some velcro to the side of it. Samantha actually really liked them. So, I am going to make some more today for my nieces.
Well, off to get CJ some more cereal. He is going through a growth spurt and tends to eat a person out of house and home at this time.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Blahs

Today was a pretty blah day. I literally had to force myself to get up and do my morning power walk. Once I got going, though, I was good. I didn't shave any extra time off but I'm ok with that for now. Work was mentally exhausting. I did get one thing accomplished today: I got the lists for my Homemade Christmas binder done. At least for the things I have printed out so far. I do plan on adding more things to it. Today is a short post.
But, my lists: I did these up in Word. I centered and underlined the name of the craft, listed the supplies needed on the left, made a black outline square and put that at the end of each supply. That way I can do my checklist of things to get. I pretty much know who I am making what for so I do have somewhat of an idea of how much of everything to get. I didn't decorate the binder yet. But I think I will. It might not be until after Christmas. I am going to do it up nice on the front and have a clear pocket to change the year out. I ran out of sheet protectors and thought, hmmmmm, I have a lot of dividers for binders. Why don't I use those instead and I can attach something clear to the front of those and then slip in lists and patterns OR use sheet protectors for the patterns if one is needed.
 So far I only have one I am going to have to make a pattern for and a couple more I am going to have to figure out different measurements. The one I will need to do a pattern for is a pair of gathered leg warmers for little girls. I think my nieces would look cute. Plus, I have plans on modifying that by refashioning old sweaters and use the arms. Maybe make some matching sort of accessories with the rest of the sweater. There is a matching fabric flower to go with. It doesn't look too hard to do. I just need to make sure I get the elastic right. Guess I will have to go buy some cheap ugly on sale fabric and experiment. Then I am making a jersey and stretch lace headband. Need to figure out sizes for these and figure out how to make them.
OK, so anyway, I'm heading to bed. It's back up in the morning for some booty melting power walking!
See ya on the flip side!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The List

I have started my Homemade Christmas list. I actually did this last  night. I went through all my pins on my Crafty Endeavors board on Pinterest, went to the original page, copy and pasted the tutorials into word and will be printing them today. Well,  most of the things anyway. I have some unused 3-ring binders I am going to put them in. I might decorate the binder all Christmasy. Once it is all printed out, I have some sheet protectors that I am going to put each craft into. I am going to have a master list of what craft and who it is for. Then another one for for the supplies needed for each craft. I am going to break them down individually. The list of who it goes to on a small piece of paper and the supplies for each craft on a small piece of paper. Those are going right on top in the sheet protector. Both supply lists are going to have what I need to get, what I can use to substitute and what I already have. Any craft that needs a pattern, that pattern is going in the sheet protector for that craft. Hopefully, this way, I can get it all done! :-) If I have time, I will package them really pretty. Otherwise, it will be gift bags with a bow and a tag. hahahahahahaha
So, I am off to find more crafty things I can make this year for people. Most everyone will get homemade. My dad is going to be really hard to do for, but I will NOT give up!! I will find something to make for him! *fingers crossed*.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

No workout weekend.

Well, I was thinking about getting up this morning to work out, but decided not to. I am starting to feel a little under the weather. And, Ok, OK, I wanted to sleep in!!! Every week day I get up wake up at 4:30 AM. I roll out of bed anywhere between 4:45 and a little after 5. I am up until about 11:30 PM or midnight. So, I thought, as long as I compensate my eating for the day around the fact that I am not working out, then I will be OK. I may end up walking tonight, which is alright. Maybe I'll just start exercising at night on the weekends instead of in the morning. We will see.
I know I have been talking a lot about exercise and all on here and not much of anything else. BUT you will definitely see more craft posts on here! Like I have said before I found Pinterest. My new addiction hobby. I have a board called Crafty Endeavors. This is where I put most crafty stuff. Some things I put under clothes because, well, they are clothes. Some I put under Pimp Your Pad, because they have to do with making your house a home. You get the idea. Well, today is organizing day for me. I deemed it this when I woke up this morning and decided not to work out but I needed to be productive. So, I am making my list of things I need to do today. One of those things is to find things to make for people for Christmas and make that list. I am also going to use some of the nice little weekly planners to print out.
So, later today, because I  know how interested everyone is, I am going to post my lists of things with links to the fabulous ideas. :-)
OK, I will leave you with this picture of a Nike Ad. It is fabulous!!!
Please remember no one has the same body type. Some women were meant to be curvy and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH CURVES! Embrace your body type and quit trying to go for one that isn't yours!!! Strive to be fit and healthy, not skinny. Not everyone is meant to be skinny. And not everyone is meant to be curvy. Just love yourself for who you are! If you want to make some changes, you really do need to love yourself first. If you don't change your mindset, no matter how "skinny" you are, you will still have the same mindset! 

Friday, November 18, 2011

I Shaved This Morning

No, I didn't shave my legs. I hate shaving and will avoid it at all costs. Since it is winter and some days cold and some not, I will err on the side of caution for the extra layer of warmth. BUT, what did I shave you ask? Well, I will tell you. I shaved a minute and a half off of my walking time with NO RUNNING involved! That's right! A whole minute and a half. Now, I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it is! I just did one simple thing: I pumped my arms faster when I was walking. When you walk, as you well know, your left arm will move forward as your right leg is moving forward. So, I just pumped the arms faster. Aaaaah sweet victory!!! I may make my 10 minute mile by New Year's! That would be a fantastic way to start 2012. Still no interval exercises. I am not sure what is holding me back from doing them after my walks. Maybe I am just so pooped after. Or maybe I am still a bit lazy. But, I am going to make a concentrated effort to add them AFTER Thanksgiving, which happens to be my favorite eating holiday! So, I will probably NEED to add them after. hahahahaha
A little story about why I am amping up the workouts.............
I have a cousin, Sherry. I love her, I truly do. Things haven't always been great in her life, most due to her own doing but some things were beyond her control. Regardless, she is family and loved unconditionally. Well, sometimes she says things that aren't very nice. Some of the time this isn't due to what she says but how she says it. So, I started exercising again around the same time she started going to my brother in law for personal training. One day we were in the kitchen and (this was before I did walking) I was telling her about the brutal torture of interval exercises I put myself through and how I can sooooo feel it in my thighs. Thinking we could exchange pity parties about our exercise regimes.............Well, she was like "this is different. We change it up and it isn't like watching the same video every day." I told her I didn't do that. There are routines to do but you can take the individual exercises and make your own routine. Well, she said, "He has us using the medicine ball with the handle." I said well, there are exercises on this web page (Body Rock) that do use one. I just don't have one. Then she was like, "Well, the treadmill........" I cut her off and said interval exercises give you the cardio. Ok, no biggie. Meh, whatever! So, a couple of weeks go by. There is a man in the neighborhood who some days is standing out in his yard in the dark and he just watches me. Doesn't say good morning when I say it or wave or anything. He just stares. It has creeped me out to the point I am thinking about getting some pepper spray. Yeah, big time creeped out. So, I was telling her about this. I mean, it really does scare me. Did she show concern? Oh no. She proceeded to say "So, I guess this means you're going to quit walking now". My answer: "Un, no. This means I am going to get pepper spray. Why would I quit walking in the mornings?". Sherry: "I don't know." Yeah, this ticked me off royally!!!! Again, not what she said but how she said it. It is hard to convey in writing (typing) how something was said. But, believe me, I am one to give people the benefit of the doubt. So, if something bothers me this much, it was said in a not nice way. Anywho, it made me mad enough I felt a gauntlet was thrown down. Challenge accepted! So, it is my personal mission to not only get in shape but do it better and faster than her. Just to show her that you do NOT need personal training to get it done. I do NOT need to follow someone else's exercise and eating plan in order to do this. AND, just to throw it in her face. She has much more weight to lose than I do. Mine is more of a lose 20 pounds and get parts that jiggle when they shouldn't firm. I know this is a little vindictive but hey, I'm not perfect. So, this is my motivation. THIS is what helped me shave off that extra time this morning. THIS (among other things, of course) is what is getting me up before 5 am and going out no matter the weather and sweat my butt off!!!!!!
Eating: So far today I have only had my coffee. I keep some stuff at work so if I don't get a chance before I have to be at work, I can just eat there. I have some soup for lunch and to snack. I have some oatmeal, granola and some Greek yogurt at work as well. Oh, and grapefruit. So, that should get me through my work day.
Speaking of that, time to get up off my booty and get there!!!!
So, before I go, I will leave you with this: Find your motivation. No matter what it is, find it and use it when you workout! Think about it all the time. Think about it when you want to put something in your mouth you KNOW you will regret eating. BUT if you do happen to go off the wagon for one meal, do NOT let it keep you down. Just start again the next meal.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Feel the Burn!

So, I forgot to blog yesterday so I will do yesterday and today's, well, today............
November 16, 2011:
I added running in VERY short spurts to my routine. I did about 2 each lap but it was hard. Not the actual running part but I have crappy ankles. It felt like someone was shoving spikes up my ankles each step. I haven't shaved off any time yet. *sigh* I do about 13 minutes miles walking. I wondered what the problem was if I was adding running to it. I should at least shave off a few seconds.
November 17, 2011:
Got a bit of a late start this morning. I am usually up and out the door by 5:15 am. This morning it was about 5:35 am. So, I only did the running in short spurts thing during the first lap. I wanted to do an experiment to see if I could figure out why no time was shaved yesterday. Second lap I did the same time. I think I know why. I am slowing down my walking after I do the run thing. Sooooooo, tomorrow morning, I am going to have to really pay attention to the whole walking after I run thing. I am hoping to at least build up to running one of the laps completely by New Year's.
My eating:
I was trying to eat 6 small meals a day. I do well with that but some days I just can't get to some of the meals and end up pigging out. It is healthy food, but I still feel like I am eating too much of it. I am going to see if I can make something up that is very low in fat and carbs but high in nutrition that I can carry around in my purse in case I do find myself not able to eat.
This morning I had egg whites with a slice of low fat sharp cheese. I seasoned with a little dill.(I looove me some sharp cheese) I also had half a ruby red grapefruit. For lunch at work (I usually have a small mid morning snack that I couldn't do this morning) I had a salad: spinach leaves. a couple of tbs. crushed Pecans, about 3 tbs. of crumbled low-fat feta, 2 tbs. of white oninon chopped, cherry tomatoes, and a couple of TBS. of raisins. Unfortunately I left my dressing at home. (Right now I am using a balsamic vinagerette. I had the spray kind, ran out and put some from another bottle into the spray bottle. I use much less.) I went to the little coffee/sandwich shop next door. They made me up some oil and vinegar. It was good, but I like my stuff at home better. Oh, and I added some fresh dill sprigs to the salad as well.
For my drinking: I had a bottle of water during and right after the workout. I then had my coffee. When I got to work, I had a bottle of water with lemonade mix and I am, as I type, drinking another one.
So, that is what is going on today. I am pretty tired right now. I am looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully CJ will sleep in on Saturday! Oh, wait, I added Saturday to the exercise regime. I was thinking about doing Sunday as well. I am still not sure. I guess Sunday will be my rest day. Alright, anywho, hopefully I can get to some crafting here this weekend. If not, then DEFINITELY during the Thanksgiving break.
Can't believe I forgot this!!! I did the sock bun thing again on the night of the 15th. This time I put my hair up in the ponytail, put some mousse in it and then wet my hand and run it through the ponytail. When I was getting ready for work, took it down and it looked great. The curls were still there this morning when I woke up with my usual bed head (I think a bird nests in it when I sleep). I am going to try a bigger sock for maybe some bigger waves. :-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hair style fizzle

I have long hair. Normally, I just keep it down, occasionally using a flat iron. Even less, using a curling wand (which, by the way are FANTASTIC!!!!) My hair used to be able to hold a curl like no one's business! Big hair was abundant in the day. Anyway, now that I am older, I think it gave up and doesn't want to do that stuff anymore. I argue daily with my hair. It gives me the hand. *eye roll* I discovered Pinterest. Oh, the time I waste am very productive on there! I came across this really cool way to curl your hair over night with NO HEAT! Oh I was excited. I googled some YouTube videos, read some blogs to get some instructions and some handy tips from others who have tried it. The last time I was at the dollar store, I bought some little girls socks. Last night I decided to do the sock bun. apparently, it is supposed to put glorious curls in your hair. So, I put my hair in a loose ponytail on the top of my head, made the sock doughnut, made my ponytail a little damp, put some gel in it and rolled the hair around the sock doughnut. Had a cute bun on top of my head. so, I go to bed, get up on the morning, do my power walk, get the little one ready for school, get him off to the bus and come in to take a shower. Get all that done and take my hair down. *sigh* I was a little (OK, A LOT) disappointed on how my hair turned out. There was some wave just like normal, no glorious curls. So, I am off to find some blogs and videos to see if I can perfect it and get it to come out right. I am a lazy girl and the less I can do to achieve maximum results, well, I am all over it!!
Off to get ready for work!!!!! I'll be back on later to talk about my workout.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I had some computer issues and power cord for my laptop issues. The original power cord crapped out on me. Boo! Then I ordered  new one, had it a month and what happens? It stops working. Then it works for a little bit, then stops.........on and on with this. It will work for a few hours and then NOT work for a few DAYS! So, I finally had the money to buy a universal power cord. LOVE IT!
So, anyway, I have started exercising. I did the Body Rock for a few days when the power cord went crappy on me. So, I couldn't get new exercises to do. I took to doing some power walking around my neighborhood. I drove my route and it is a little over 1.4 miles. I have done 3 laps most days. I had an unfortunate incident at the grocery store and hurt my ankle. How you ask? Well, I forgot some of the Golden Rules of letting your kids push the cart in the grocery store. One of them being never walk in front of them. The other, if you do walk in front of them, always let them know when you are going to stop because children get distracted very easily and will NOT see you stop. So, with an ankle brace on, I walked two of the laps for a couple of days. I give myself the weekends off right now because I really don't want to over do it. I have VERY weak ankles and don't want to push it seeing as how I really need them right now.
This morning's walk: Had a great walk!!!! Even though I didn't shave any time off of my usual time, it still felt like a good walk. I did try to do some jogging. Then I thought, perhaps if I am going to try to do some running, I should maybe do it in the first lap or the beginning of the second, NOT the third. My legs literally felt like they were lead. I went a few feet and decided to start the walk/run thing tomorrow. I am also going to do some interval exercises after the walk.
It is always amazing to me how much my abs feel it during and after the walk. You never realize how much you use your abs for every day things like walking. I could feel the burn in the part that muffin tops over my jeans. I think that is why the walk was so good today. I do the whole mile and a half in 20 minutes. Which means I do a little over 13 minutes per mile. Not to shabby for someone who hasn't worked out in years.
Eating. yes, I have altered that as well. I don't have a set eating plan right now, but will hopefully after Thanksgiving. Yeah, yeah, I know, but it is my fave holiday and I want to eat!!! I essentially eat salads, veggi burgers, oatmeal (I use almond milk because I don't like regular milk) pimped out with healthy stuff (I cook apples in the almond milk, then add the oatmeal to cook and when it is done add some cinnamon and splenda; I throw in some granola with dried cranberries and microwave it; some raisins, pecans or walnuts and cinnamon), boneless skinless chicken in the crockpot, steamed veggis, egg white with sauteed veggis (usually onion, bell pepper, mushrooms and tomatoes) seasoned with some garlic and dill and some fat free cheese. I read the labels, look at the fat, calories, how many calories come from the fat and the carbs. I do plan on doing a menu for each week, but I need to get the holiday season out of the way first. I do indulge some days. Every Wednesday I go eat lunch with CJ at school. I usually just eat what they have there. I just try to watch what I eat and if I indulge I eat to compensate the rest of the day.
I have lost about an inch in the hips and waist!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!! And about 6 or 7 pounds. I expect to see even better results here in the next couple of weeks because I am adding the interval training to my workouts. I am going to do more upper body and abs. I will use the Gym Boss to time them. I have it set for 4 sets of 4 exercises. Each exercise for 30 seconds with 10 seconds in between each exercise to write down my stats. I will be posting those, hopefully daily.
So, anyway, that is what I have been doing exercise-wise. Craft wise, it's a crying shame. Nada, nothing, nil.............*sigh* though I have found a gagillion ideas on my new addiction, Pinterest!!!!!!
Well, I am going to get off of here and figure out what to do for my new interval routine tomorrow!!!
Peace, love and hair grease!!!
NOTE: I linked the Gym Boss web page if you want to purchase your own. It isn't hard at all to set up and it is only about $20. Before I remembered to get the AAA batteries for it, I used a timer online which was great but don't like lugging my computer to the living room to work out.