Friday, December 30, 2011

The New Year Is Upon Us

Well, New Year's Eve is but a day away (give or take some hours). It is usually a time of renewal for people. We resolve to change things in our life to try and make it better. What I think most (myself being included in this group) fail to do is have a plan of action to carry out and hold up these resolutions of change. I stopped making resolutions years ago because I never stuck with them. We always have great intentions. I'm going to lose 25 start out good, but then don't follow through. You have to look at the change you are making as a lifetime and not just a year. So, today, along with the sewing and ironing I have to do today, I am also going to  make a nice little 2012 plan of action. I am going to make a master list of all the things I want to do, numbered. Then have separate lists of a plan of action to accomplish these "goals" (I put that in quotations because it is taking the place of a resolution). Some of them I may not have a plan for because I am not sure what I need to do to get it done. BUT, you can bet your bottom dollar I will look it up and research it. Of course, my list will be done in order of importance. I actually may be able to do one or two or more things at once. I mean, I need a car and that is priority number one, but, I plan on using the tax money to get it. Obviously I have to wait a little longer, but, hey, no problemo. I can do some of the other things on my list until I get that one done, BUT my main focus is getting a car. Then, the second thing, is to get another job! The one I have, though I love doing it, isn't paying me squat! I cannot accomplish number 2 unless I get number 1 done first. So, until I get number one done and I can't move on to number two, I will see if I can get some of the other, smaller things done.
This year has been a humdinger for sure. I have had some ups, but mostly lows. But I still had ups! I want to make 2012 be the year I look back and think, "Wow! That was a FANTASTIC YEAR!!" In order to do this, I have to make some changes, reorganize some things, cut things out of my life and bring in some new things. Pretty much just like any other year only I will have a plan! Now, I know that "the best-laid plans of mice and men, oft go awry", but some (most!!!) will be flexible for those little curve balls life loooves to throw through your window. I have learned, mostly towards the end of this year, to not let a lot of things get to me. I am trying to learn to be a lot more positive. I can't be positive all the time but I have definitely learned to try and find a silver lining to everything.
So, you all get to be subjected to read about my journey through this year, the changes I will make and even the things I fail at doing. I like seeing something that someone failed at. NOT because I like seeing people suffer or get a kick out of others failures, but because it reminds me that everyone makes mistakes and can move on from them.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

So, I have been a little busy. I run the day busy, busy, the next, very lazy! :-) But the last couple of days I have been busy. First I want to tell you about a craft (sorry!! I forgot to take a picture!) I made for my Grandma Dee. She is in an "old hag's home" as I affectionately call it and she just laughs. She is always wanting updated pictures of the grandkids, great grandkids.........So, you either have to get something printed in the size of the frames she already has or figure out where she is going to put another frame. Well, I made her something where it is a no brainer!! I went to the dollar store and bought a cookie sheet ($1). I covered the bottom of the cookie sheet in fabric I already had with some Mod Podge. Once that was dry, I glued two ribbon ends on either side of what I declared the top and tied them in a bow. The magnets were made like this: I had some little 1.25" half marble things I got at the dollar store specifically for this. They are in the floral and vase section. I found a nice print online and saved it. I opened it up in Corel Draw (you can use any graphics program). I then made circles 1.5" in diameter. I found a nice scripty font and put her first name initial in the middle. Hit Print. When this was done, I stuck some Mod Podge on the flat side of the marble and stuck them in the center of each circle. When this was dry I cut them out around the circle I had printed out. Then I trimmed this excess. (now, you can use an exacto knife but I don't have one YET!) Anyway, I glued some small circle magnets I had bought at WalMart on the back and when all of this was dry, put them on the cookie sheet. I got one of those 3M hangers to put it on her wall in her room. I put a picture of me and CJ on there for her. Merry Christmas Grandma! SHE LOVED IT! Kept showing all the nurses what her granddaughter had done. So, maybe next I will make her some fancy corner bookmarks since she looooves to read....
OK, onto what I am working on now. I took a couple of pictures of the beginning stuff for you. I am making pleated fabric headbands. Here is what I am doing:
I cut 4 of each fabric (for two nieces) into 10 to 11 inch by 3 inch rectangles. The reason the length varies is because of the pieces of fabric I used. The reason for 4 of each: they are getting two of each piece of fabric. One is going to stay plain. The other is going to have a velcro dot to interchange flowers. OK, back to the fabric. I put a piece of lightweight iron on interfacing on the backs of each piece of fabric. It does not have to be exact. It is just to make a more stable middle. I then folded the pieces in half, right sides together and ironed.
I am also making fabric roses. I cut all my pieces I was going to use to make the roses (there are plenty of extra roses for something else I want to do). I went ahead and knotted them at the ends and now I am in the process of ironing them in half. This makes it easier for me to turn and twist the fabric and have it look right.

There are many tutorials for making these online. Google can be your best friend in this instance. I find it easier for me to handle the fabric by ironing them in half after they are knotted. It doesn't have to be a perfect ironing. Just enough to having it already in half for the most part so when you are wrapping and twisting, you don't have to worry about it being off. 

Now, to make these, I use fabric glue. I found the BEST stuff!!! OMG! I am in love with this stuff.

OK, why do I love this stuff you may ask? Well, the first thing would be precision! The end is pointed and only a small amount will come out. I can get the glue exactly where I need it and the amount that I need. Second, it dries pretty fast. I found mine at WalMart for about $3. 
So, this is where I am on my project so far. I hate ironing but I still have a bit to do. The rest of the project I will add either later today or tomorrow. And yes, with pictures. I ahve the battery to my camera charging as we speak. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

OH yeah, forgot.........

I made a pretty good homemade vegetable soup a few days ago. I used 99% fat free chicken broth (I am sure you could use vegetable stock if you don't do the meat thing), carrots, parsnips, celery, cabbage and diced canned tomatoes. That was all I had on hand. I didn't salt it because I don't like a lot of salt and the broth had enough for me. I just cooked it all until it was done. I also added dill. I looooove dill!!! Can't get enough of dill. I put it in my egg whites when I make them for breakfast, I use it in most of my cooking! It lasted quite a few days. My 6 year old boy even loved it. Next time, for him, I am going to add some corn. :-) It is virtually fat free!!!
OK, I did eventually make some more and used corn. I left out the parsnips because I didn't have anymore. OMG! It was sooo good!! I love vegetable soups with a chicken stock base. You can add as little or as much as you like and still get a fantastic soup!!!!

The number one reason to get the flu shot..........

I have been very ill. Two weeks ago Thursday, I got a little fever. I didn't think anything of it because, hey, I've gotten them before when I have had a cold. So, I took something, went to bed. I woke up Friday morning and was still running the fever and I was very sick. I got CJ off to school, got ready and went into work. I keep my digital thermometer in a zipper bag in my purse because I will always know where it is. So, I had taken my temp and it was over 101. No biggie, took something and went into work. I was so sick, I could barely do anything. Took my temp again, it was over 103. Oh crap. So, I took some extra strength tylenol and rested my head on the desk in the back and napped literally for about an hour. My fever went down and I was sent home. I went to bed. I woke up and went and got CJ from after school care. I was so grateful it was the weekend. My fever stayed over 101 the whole weekend. Most of the time it was 102 +. One time it was up to almost 104. I was so happy CJ was old enough to do some things himself. I went in to work on Monday with barely any fever but still ill. Well, here we are 2 weeks later and I am just getting to 100%. It was the sickest I have ever been in my memory and I do NOT want to ever be sick like that again.
To update you on my crafting: I started on Grandma's present. I got a cookie sheet from the dollar store, used some fabric that I already had and Mod Podged it to the cookie sheet. Now I just have to print out some printed paper cut some circles out, Mod Podge them to the clear half marbles for vases and such and glue on some magnets. I will then print out a couple of pics to put on there for her. I am going to get her a photo album so when she wants to switch out pictures, the ones she wants to take down can be put in the album.
I have started on crocheting some hats for my nieces. They use a double treble stitch and when they are done, ribbon is woven through those DTR stitches. I plan on using velcro to make them interchangeable. Also adding velcro dots and they can add flowers, etc to make them pretty. I am also going to do some headbands (probably two each). One to use for pleated fabric strips and velcro to change them out. Also one for just putting flowers, bows, etc on. I want to make them interchangeable so they can change them for their outfits.
For my friends Gina and Daphne, I am going to make a "book" of making your own cleaning supplies and cleaning hints and tips. They have their own cleaning business. I thought this would help them out and save them some money in the process.
For my sister and my cousin, I think I will make some infinity scarves.
But, for right now, I am working on the crocheting. I found some patterns I ordered off of Etsy. One for booties and one for hats. Both creators give permission to sell what you make. So excited!!!!! I can't wait to start making some of these and selling them.
Well, I am off to watch a movie and crochet some hats!