Thursday, January 19, 2012

Captain's Log, Stardate 01.12210

Yeah, I know, I haven't updated lately. I truly have been busy with crafts. I have some pics but can't find my camera to post them. Lovely, isn't it? I am sure it will turn up since I haven't taken out of this bedroom, but alas, it has disappeared. Things tend to do that in this house but always end up being found. Pixies? Fairies? Ghosts? Who knows. It can't be me and my older age. Nah, it can't be.
I have found something very addicting. Crocheting with wire. Now, I am doing just a simple chain stitch with beads, combining strands of chains to make a bracelet and I even made a necklace using two strands. I made some earrings. Again, a chain stitch, beads and a slip stitch. I did attempt to do something a little bit more complicated, but I think I need to use a smaller gauge of wire. At least until I get the feel of this new thing. Then I can use bigger gauges.
I also learned a fabulous new crochet stitch: the Tunisian knit stitch. I am soooo excited about this one!!! I love how knit things look. Love it! I can't knit. I would need to sit with someone who does know for about a week and just do nothing but knit to get it. Yeah, yeah, I know. But it is easier when you are first learning to have someone tell you if you are doing something wrong as you are working. Back to the new stitch. Here is a link to the tutorial I used: I just chained a few to go on my regular crochet hook to see if I could do it. I could. And I was so excited I had to post it on Facebook. hahahaha OK, regarding the link I posted. I have used tutorials by Theresa before. I recognize the voice. There are some great ones. I love the slow motions that are done so you can see it very well. The tunisian knit stitch (they have a purl one as well I haven't tried........yet.) uses either afghan crochet hooks or what is labeled tunisian crochet hooks. I do not have these........yet. But you can bet your bottom I will soon. So, I am off to Ravelry to look for some patterns to try out and get the hang of this new found discovery of mine.

Friday, January 6, 2012

What is your major malfunction?

Well, I just realized I hadn't posted anything about my headband project for the nieces. Well, the reason for this: my sewing machine is being impertinent. I know it just needs to be cleaned. AND I thought I had  more plastic headbands. Nope. Just one. So, I have put this one on hold for a little bit. At least finishing them. I will continue to make more of the flowers, though. That way I have them all done.
Anyway, I have been making the bracelets from the previous post. I made a black one with a black and white flower button for my boss' daughter. She is going to wear it this weekend, tell me how it does as far as a teenager wear and tear. AND she is going to show it to her friends and hopefully they will want to buy some! Extra cash!! CHA-CHING!!!!!! Now I realize it won't be much extra cash, but a little can go a long way with me. Even $20 extra a week or whatnot. Being a single mom, everything counts!
So, without further ado, the black crocheted bracelet:

So, there it is. She loved it! Thank goodness!!! And I want to apologize for my dry skin. I have eczema and it can get a little ashy. Anyway, I am going to make some more. My bestie, Gina, politely asked demanded one. hehehehehe 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crafting at work

Well, I have a day job. Although I love what I do, it doesn't pay enough. Until I get a car, I am kind of stuck because I can actually walk to work. Ah well, anyway, sometimes when a job is in the laser engraver, it can take a little bit of time. Today, I brought some stuff to crochet. Sometimes, especially this time of year, we get a little slow. Well, today wasn't, but I did have a job that took a little over 10 minutes in the engraver. So, I whipped out some yarn and the pattern I printed out and whipped up this little gem:

It took me a little longer than 10 minutes because I was on the work computer trying to get a program for another one of our engraving machines to work (no luck). I found the pattern for this on Ravelry. I have to watch myself on there. I have over 200 projects in my queue. hahahahah I made a few others last night. One a nice bright red wool, a fuzzy white and some other yarn that is like a skinny chenille of brown, black and a thread of silky brown twisted together. The first one looks nice. I might pimp it out a bit more by adding a bead or something to the middle of the circles to give it some character. The fuzzy one is cute. I am not sure where one would wear it. The last one, the bracelet came out the bigger size that the pattern gives. The one pictured is made out of cotton yarn. 
I was going to clean tonight, but I am beat! I didn't get to sleep until after 5 am this morning and I had to be up less than 2 hours later to get CJ up and ready for school and then get ready for work. So, after I fold the last load of laundry, I may help myself to a glass of wine and settle CJ down and relax while crocheting. I am going to make a few more of the bracelets and then maybe some hats? Eh, who knows. Oh, and I am definitely going to stay away from Ravelry! Yeah, right.
Oh here is the link to the pattern for the crochet bracelet: 
You do have to sign up for the site, but it is worth it. :-)