Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We're Movin' On Up....Well, Over Anyway.

Well, just a few more days and CJ and I will be moving into another house in the neighborhood. I have made the decision that 2013, yeah, that bad boy is going to be mine!!! I'm tired of struggling every single month. Either because of a low paying job and/or certain checks either don't come in a month or only half of it. I made decisions in my life. I don't regret a single one of them. I didn't go for the career. Well, one that you get paid to do. I decided to be a stay at home mom and wife to two husbands. I love doing it. I love taking care of my family, home, hearth.....I used to bake all the time. I used to make made-from-scratch dinners. I used to sew things for the kids and home. I used to have my housework organized down to the tiniest detail. I used to make shopping lists and menus. I went to the kids school things every single time. I loved being there when they got home from school. I just loved being there period. Yes, I went through my times of where I didn't want to do anything. It is hard when you do everything you can, give up many parts of who you are, all to take care of a family and the one person you think would appreciate these things you do, doesn't. But, that is all in the past. I can't have that life anymore. I'm going to miss it. I DO miss it. But, it is over. It is hard giving up a dream. Yes, as silly as it seems to some people these days, all I ever dreamed about doing was being a wife and mom. But, this year, I am letting that dream go. I realize that it is never going to be my life anymore.
So, now to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. Not generally, but very specifically. Definitely a better paying job, school is going to have to be on that priority list, I may end up having to move out of state. I don't know. But it is something I am not putting out of the picture anymore. So, first step, move. After that, well, hahahaha, I have lists. It's my thing. I love making lists and being organized.

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